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34 floral hoop ideas in all styles

34 floral hoop ideas in all styles

0-hoop The hoop, officially one of the year’s biggest wedding trends. Not only that, floral hoops are even making an appearance as boho home decor and garden party decorations - use artificial flowers and you've got a cute indoor wreath to hang from the wall. Anything can be done with a hoop; cover it completely in moss or twine for a natural look, add gold leaf or colour with spray paint, or stick with the popular choice of white to complement the dress. Wrap flowers all the way around, just add foliage or bind blooms to one small section to draw the eye. They’re a symbolic choice for a wedding since these never-ending circles embody the eternity ring while creating striking venue décor and offering a totally different option to the standard bouquet. This simple stand-out look has now been endorsed by an array of leading wedding blogs including Rock My Wedding, Love My Dress and Whimsical Wonderland Weddings, as well as Martha Stewart and of course hundreds of brides and grooms. Ideas for hoop designs • Wrap in twine or moss, colour with paint or gold leaf • Hand-held hoops carried by brides and bridesmaids • A hoop to frame the cake • A selfie hoop for photo opportunities • Hoops stood on a base as table centrepieces • Hoops used to frame signs or the table plan • Hoops hung up as venue decoration, vertically or horizontally suspended to appear chandelier-like Buy hoops online now and get creative with them Wedding ideas on a budget Thanks to the structure of hoops, they provide far more bang-for-buck than traditional arrangements and hand-ties. Suggest hoop bouquets for bridesmaids to carry as they can be hung up to decorate the reception venue once the ceremony is over. Wedding ideas with cash to splash For couples seeking something spectacular, on top of hoop aisle ends, chair backs, hoops carried by bridesmaids and smaller hoop decorations, create amazing visual consistency with a 6ft structured floral circle for an incredible photo-worthy backdrop as they say their vows. Click here to buy wedding hoops now
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