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Florists: Checklist Before Visiting a School or College

Here is a list of things to be prepared for when you visit school or college to promote prom items. Be prepared Have a goal Have a great time – grow your business.
  • Get the word out many times before you go to the school or college, build excitement so that everyone wants to come and see what you are offering.
  • Keep in mind, your shop may get the order to decorate the actual prom.
  • Some florists provide corsages for some of the girls to wear during school for free.
  • Remember, these children have their own tastes, make sure you have things that the younger generation likes, not just the things that you like.
  • What are the colors the college and school students of today like? What flowers do they like? - be sure to take these to the schools!
  • Set up a referral program. Have students hand out cards with their name on it. For every (xx) cards returned with an order, they receive a free corsage. Set up levels to this program, rewarding someone who goes above and beyond with an itunes voucher etc.
  • One idea – each day you come to the school to set up, bring a number of corsages for the Head Teachers for Yr11 and Yr13, other teachers, secretaries etc. These people will appreciate the extra effort and as they wear the flowers around school, they can tell everyone about your event and your store. Remember, these staff members are your clients also.
  • Have your shop’s name mentioned in the morning announcements at the school or college.
  • Have beautiful samples made up. Some people make silk samples others bring their corsages made up with fresh flowers.
  • Be sure to bring a selection of adornments, gems, charms, even ribbon.
  • Show off your unique style.
  • The more selections you can offer, the more orders you will get.
  • Emphasize the value of a Keepsake with the Corsage Creations items.
  • Make your space look extra attractive, you may be there to sell corsages, but let everyone be able to see that you are in the flower business. Have flowers on hand. You may even sell some to the faculty and students.
  • Have fun! Everyone likes to be around people who are having fun. Be the one that is having fun.
  • During slow times, think about making up some corsages. Everyone likes to see what is going on and it helps to draw a crowd.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at Corsage Creations – Download: Checklist to use before going to the school (Microsoft Word Format)
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