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Six Wedding Wonders

Six Wedding Wonders

corsage-creations-wedding-sparkle 1. Flo­ral head­wear is one of the biggest trends to hit the wed­ding scene this cen­tury. Offer your bride and groom ulti­mate choice by dis­play­ing a huge range of head­bands and acces­sories. Choose from fes­ti­val style daisies, chic rose bands, dia­mante lux­ury, Gatsby lace, sparkling gold, sil­ver and more. Or attach nat­ural blooms — over­sized or dainty — to a comb or Kyra Head­band for ease and flexibility. corsage-headbands.jpg 2. The best thing (we reckon!) about mod­ern bridal bou­quets is that they can be per­son­alised within an inch of your life. Great grandma’s antique brooch, mum’s ear­ring, dad’s cuf­flinks, your engage­ment ring and the kids’ photo in a locket can all be included within your bride’s brooch bou­quet. And with an arma­ture as your base they’re all easy peasy to add, be it a bou­quet of fresh blooms or all brooch and bling. Think of an arma­ture as your blank can­vas, now avail­able in two new styles; tear drop and small posy for brides­maids. 2-personalised-corsage-creations-spring-summer-profitability 3. So your bride isn’t a fan of bling? Maybe lace would suit. We love these lace rib­bons – fab for acces­soriz­ing vin­tage bou­quets and arrange­ments and avail­able in a range of sizes and shades. Try leav­ing them long and let­ting them trail to suit the cur­rent rib­bon trend. If a lace wed­ding is on the cards make sure you sug­gest a Lace Frill, a sub­tle way to add a col­lar to the most styl­ish of bou­quets. We offer lace pull bows, lace cor­sage bracelets plus minia­ture lace wed­ding dresses to add those all-important details to every aspect of the big day. lace-corsage-creations 4. If your client has never thought about a brooch bou­quet why not show off these ready-made Fancy designs. Each piece can be cus­tomised or walk down the aisle as-is. Per­fect for those who are time-poor and now avail­able in new colours and styles. Or if full-frontal bling isn’t their thing but they still want sparkle these new Supe­rior and Mag­i­cal alter­na­tives are the per­fect com­pro­mise. Find out how with this video. fancy-corsage-creations 5. The next best thing about brooch bou­quets is that they’re so much fun to make and will expand your skill-base at the same time. In our expe­ri­ence florists are an inquis­i­tive bunch and always keen to learn. So if you like the idea of get­ting your fin­gers in a twist on your first attempt you’ll love try­ing your hand at this whole new kind of design. Plus our spe­cial kits are cheaper than ever. brooch-bouquet-kit-corsage-creations 6. Boost prof­itabil­ity, increase your mark-up and make life eas­ier by explor­ing a world of acces­sories you didn’t even know existed. Like Embrace Wraps – slide them around vases or pack­ag­ing to add major sparkle and hide any unsightly mechan­ics… in a split sec­ond! For real bling, elas­tic chair backs will save you bun­dles of time, and why not try mak­ing pew ends using these Design Cones and flower girl acces­sories in Alice Bags; all tools designed with florists in mind so you’d be silly not to try. florist-tools-corsage-creations Arti­cle cre­ated in col­lab­o­ra­tion with our friends at Purple Spotted Media. wedding-dress-corsage-creations
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