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The results: how much you charge for buttonholes & corsages

The results: how much you charge for buttonholes & corsages

About the participants

What type of floristry businesses do they run?

  • The majority (64%) of participants own flower shop premises and offer all kinds of floristry including impulse buys and same day orders.
  • The second largest proportion (21%) work from home and only offer events and pre-booked work.
  • 9% of participants work from studio premises and offer all kinds of floristry including impulse buys and same day orders.
  • 5% of participants are event florists only and work only from a studio.

Whereabouts are they based?

  • Below you can see a pie chart showing where our survey responders are from.
  • The areas with the largest number of responders are North West, South East and South West of England.

Are they working in a city, town or rural area?

  • The majority of responders (60%) are based in a town, around a quarter (26%) are based in a rural area, while the fewest amount are in a city (15%).
3_Rural_town_or_city corsages_items_corsage_creations_how_much_do_you_charge_rates_prices_florist Corsage Creations sell the widest range of wrist corsage bracelets, all of which come with a special plastic attachment designed for gluing fresh flowers onto.

The scale of their businesses

How many buttonholes do they sell per year?

  • The largest chunk of responders (21%) sell 100 to 200 buttonholes per year. Hypothetically, if they’re making an average of five buttonholes per wedding, that means they’re doing around 30 weddings per year.
  • Just under a quarter (20%) of responders sell 80 to 100 buttonholes per year, and the same proportion sell 200 to 500 per year.
  • 10% of responders sell more than 500 buttonholes per year.

How many corsages do they sell per year?

  • The largest proportion of responders (23%) sell 30 to 50 corsages per year. This then drops to just 10 to 25 corsages per year, sold by 18% of responders.
  • 10% of responders sell 200 to 500 corsages per year.
5_How_many_corsages_do_you_sell_per_year buttonhole_items_corsage_creations_how_much_do_you_charge_rates_prices_florist Find a huge range of buttonhole tools, add-ons and accessories at Corsage Creations.

Artículo anterior How To Make Wire Frames For Corsages